Awesome, congratulations to your newborn baby boy! How amazing is that? After over 9 months with pregnancy the baby boy has finally arrived. The new citizen of the WORLD! Your’e maybe on this site, because you have looking for newborn baby clothes boy online? You’ve come to the right place. Click here or on the picture below to check out the outfits.
I remember the time while waiting for my first child to be borned. That was a very exciting period. My wife and I planned a lot for what we should have ready. Before the baby was borned, we wrote down everything to make sure we’re not missing anything. The list under is what I remember of what we wrote down:
- Clothes
- Cot
- Child seat (for car)
- Stroller
- Toys (just a few)
- Books
- Baby wipes
- Moisturizing cream for baby
- Baby call
- Etc…
We went to stores and bought clothes, toys, books, baby wipes, cream and baby call. We drove to our neighbor country Sweden for the other items on the list; cot, child seat and stroller. And why Sweden you ask? The answer is simple, the items was much cheaper. But you know what? We could get it even cheaper if we had looking for the items online. Click here for Baby Products.
Just a couple of weeks before birth my wife was preparing things that she needed in a backpack. This was because when the time come you don’t really have time to get all the things with you, when you’re in the hurry to the hospital. The backpack stood practically by the front door. Here was the items my wife packed:
- Tooth brush
- Tooth paste
- Shampoo
- Bottle of water
- Towel
- Cell phone charger
- Clothes for her and the baby
- Etc…
The day my first child was borned it was the best day of my life.
Even words can’t describe it. And my first born was actually a girl! I was thrilled and excited at the same time…
Finally I’m a dad! A very proud one too…
My baby girl with her tiny hand and tiny fingers grabbed my little finger.
At this very moment I think my heart stopped and the time stood still for a moment.
When she look at me with her eyes I can see a bright future for our little family with love and caring. Two years later our family extended with a baby boy. We’re happy and enjoying our lives together all four of us.
Did You Know?
- Babies shed no tears when they cry. The tears comes when the babies are between 2 and 4 months.
- Facts says that there is a 50/50 chances to have a girl or a boy, but for 100 girls there are 105 boys.
- For every second there are born 4 babies. In just 1 minute there are born 255 babies. Wow! Each day there are counts to be more than 350,000 thousand babies born… 130 million babies born each YEAR! Amazing!
From Crawling To Walking.
The first periods the baby will just eat and sleep mostly of the time. When they sleep try to let them lie on both side of the head, this will prevent the back of the head to be flat.
Their body are getting stronger each day and soon they can roll side to side. It’s important that you don’t leave your baby when they’re placed where they can roll out. Not even for a short moment! Allways have an eye on your baby, if you need to do something and can not carry your baby. Put the baby in the playing grind or in his/her cot.
You can see below what is coming next before walking:
Creeping: Babies usally learn to creep first. The technique is foremost like “army crawling” by pulling themself forward with their arms while the belly and legs drags on the floor. You could motivate the crawling forward by offering the baby a toy or something he/she likes.
Crawling: Next step is crawling. When your baby is strong enough he/she will stand on all fours and eventually crawling forwards. Again motivate your baby with something he/she likes. Then after hours and days with training the body is strong to move around.
Pulling up: Your baby has now a good overview and will explore the enviremont more. The baby notice his/her parents or others are walking. The baby will also try too by pulling themself up by the table, the couch or whatever available. At first he/she will have trouble to get back down, but he/she will figure it out by themself or the parants show them how.
While standing and holding for support, the baby starts to take some step around the table. This is a safe way for the baby to practice their balance and strengten their muscles.
Walking: Finally! What revolutionized mankind is walking and your baby have achieved it! Your baby will be shaky at first and only take a few steps before they sit down and crawling. Within a few weeks he/she master the walking skills and turn into a toddler.
I’ll cover excercises for your baby – step by step – in another page. With right excercise;
your baby will crawling, pulling up and walking earlier. The excercise page will be linked here when ready.
Secure Your Home!
The home is full of dangerous traps for babies; stairs, object falling over, electrical sockets and windows. When your baby are moving around like crawling or walk, it is important to create some safety measure in the home. My advice is to secure the house as soon as possible. Crawling or walking babies are full of energy and can be “lightning” fast. Adults cannot be watching all the time while they’re moving around. Securing your house will prevent injuries and make the enviroment more safety for your baby.
The kitchen: There are a lots of things to explore in the kitchen and they find it an exciting place to be.
- The drawers with pull-backs or with safety locks. Safety locks may be the best option, because you avoid the baby pinch his/her fingers.
- Place all cleaners so high as possible that the baby can’t reach them, or in locking drawers. Install cable restraints on electric kitchen appliance, such as coffee maker, say they can not pull the coffe maker over themself.
- Mount a grid on the cooker so the baby can’t touch the hot plates and pots. Lock the owen with the safety key.
The living room and other rooms:
- Drawers and cabinets with dangerous content, secure it like the kitchen. Sharp
corners should be protected, for example the coffee table, with safety corners in plastic.
- Use doorstops to prevent fingers pinched.
- Babies who are learning to walk could stumble over loose carpets and rugs. Make sure to add rubber under the rugs and wait with loose carpets.
- Tablecoverings should be cleared away.
- Electrical installations throughout the house must be ensured. Make sure the fuse box is sufficiently secure. All sockets are covered with plastic lids that baby can not remove. Shock accidents are always serius – they can cause third-degree burns or worse, cost the babys life.
The windows: Mount stoppers that can not allowed to be opened more than 10 cm. Stoppers should be mounted high so the baby can not touch them.
The bathroom:Babies could drown with just 10 cm deep water. If the baby get the face under water, they scream while the lungs fills with water and they can drown.
- Toilet bowl can be closed with clambs that holds the lit down.
- If you have a bathtub, hide the plug somwhere else – otherwise the baby can put the plug in and fill the tub with water.
- Water taps should have thermostats that prevent the baby from turning on the hot water. Never LEAVE a baby alone in the bathroom!!!
Stairs: The babies should be kept away from stairs until they’re 4 years old. Place gates on the top and bottom of the stairs.
Check out my Baby Products page for securing your home.
Your Baby Understand You!
There are many things that amazed me, one of them is how much your baby really understand you by talking to them. My baby boy who is about 11 month old understand many things, for example when I say words like:
- “No” – he will not touch the object that he is curious about. (But occassionally he ignore it)
- “Give me that” – he put the object in my hand and let it go.
- “Where’s the light” – he look up and point at the light.
- “Dance” – he’s dancing while bending the knees up and down and waving the arms side to side.
- “Come here” – he’s walking or crawling to me.
- “Say hello” or “Say bye” – he’s waving his hand.
- “Give me five” – he’s giving me a high five.
- “Can daddy have a hug” – he hugs me.
- And much more…
Are you suprised like I am? Keep talking to your baby and they will show you that they’re understanding you! Note that some of the words he undersand early as 4-5 months.
They’re not only understand you, but also tell you when they needs something. Showing you when they’re sad, happy, hungry or need affection. They communicate with body languages and some sound or scream ofcourse.
Thank you for reading and I hope you get something out of this information. Please leave a comment or question if you wonder about something. I will answer you
The owner of
Hi Nam, Fantastic post looks like you’ve covered just about everything a new parent would ask about. Even if you have kids, the tips are useful, especially if it’s been a few years and you’re a bit “rusty” on all the preparations.
Hi Hindy,
Thank you so much for commenting. I try to cover it as much as I can. And is there any thing you wonder about, I’ll be here to answer you. I hope too that new parents and they who already have kids could get use of these information. I know when the baby arrived your instict, as a mom and dad, will tell you to do what is best for the baby, but it’s also good to know something in advance.
Take care
Hi there,
I was actually expecting more clothes for baby when I stopped in, and although you have some other great products covered in this post, I was wondering if you would be showing or reviewing more clothes in your posts. I’d love to see some organic clothes as well as Osh Gosh and Jymboree.
Also I have that optic baby monitor and love it!
Hi Debra,
There’s more clothes on the home page:
I’ll research for organic clothes, Osh Gosh and Jymboree and come back with a new post/page about it.
Have a great day
Great blog, wonderful images, and important information for parents with toddlers. Yes, just because infants have not yet mastered language doesn’t mean they do not understand instructions. They are just adapting to their new bodies and figuring out how it all works. Excellent insight from your direct experience.
Hi PJ,
Thank you for commenting. I hope this information will help other parents too.
Hi Nam, you’re so right, when expecting my first child I shopped for a lot of things. Later I came to realize that there were places with much much cheaper things. I’ll keep this page close just in case one day I’m expecting a boy
Hi May,
So glad you like my page. You’re welcome back any time 😉 Just leave me a comment or question you wonder about and I’ll answered you as soon as possible.
some really good information here, hope you don`t mind if i link?
Kind Regards
Hi Steve,
Thanks for commenting. I don’t mind 😉
Have a great day.